Explore the last available rental apartments

At the private meetings it is possible to explore the last available types of rental apartments. This gives you a unique opportunity to explore the different floors and experience the building from several angles and corners.

In addition, it is possible to explore the exclusive common areas at The Clubhouse. Here you can really get a sense of the everyday life and the unique community that is already living in LIVING BY ALFA.

Book a private meeting

Experience the last available apartments and get a guided tour in the exclusive common areas.

Lokalbolig Rødovre
+45 36 44 15 55

Kaffevej 9, 2-6, 2610 Rødovre

LokalBolig Rødovre
Jyllingevej 171
2610 Rødovre

LokalBolig Projekt
Strandvejen 62F
2900 Hellerup
32 53 22 22